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What is NAD+?

Published by CLNQ

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a vital coenzyme found in every cell of the human body, playing a crucial role in energy production and cellular metabolism. As a coenzyme, NAD+ assists enzymes in driving various biochemical reactions necessary for maintaining life. It exists in two forms: NAD+ (oxidised) and NADH (reduced). NAD+ is essential in processes like DNA repair, maintaining the integrity of the cell’s genetic material, and cellular communication.

How Does NAD+ Work?

NAD+ serves as a fundamental component in several biochemical pathways, most notably in cellular respiration—the process by which cells convert nutrients into usable energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP). Here’s a simplified breakdown of how NAD+ works in the body:

  1. Energy Production: NAD+ is a key player in the electron transport chain, a series of reactions occurring in the mitochondria (the cell’s powerhouses). It accepts electrons from nutrients during metabolism and transfers them through the chain, ultimately helping to produce ATP.
  2. DNA Repair: NAD+ is involved in the activity of enzymes known as sirtuins, which regulate cellular health, DNA repair, and gene expression. Sirtuins require NAD+ to function properly, highlighting the coenzyme’s role in longevity and healthy aging.
  3. Gene Expression: NAD+ influences the activity of PARPs (poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases), a group of proteins involved in DNA repair and genomic stability. Through these pathways, NAD+ helps maintain the health and functionality of cells under stress.
  4. Cellular Communication: NAD+ plays a role in signalling between the nucleus and the mitochondria within cells, ensuring that these organelles can respond to environmental stresses and maintain cellular homeostasis.
iv nad drip

Benefits of NAD+

The potential benefits of NAD+ are vast, particularly in the realm of aging and chronic disease management. Research suggests that maintaining or boosting NAD+ levels can have the following benefits:

  1. Anti-Aging Effects: NAD+ levels decline with age, and this reduction is associated with various age-related diseases. Supplementing NAD+ may help combat age-related decline in cellular functions, improving skin elasticity, cognitive function, and overall vitality.
  2. Improved Energy Levels: By enhancing mitochondrial function, NAD+ can help improve energy levels, particularly in those with chronic fatigue or age-related energy decline.
  3. Enhanced Cognitive Function: Some studies suggest that NAD+ supplementation may support brain health, potentially reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s by protecting neurons and improving mitochondrial function in brain cells.
  4. DNA Repair and Cellular Health: NAD+ is crucial for the activity of sirtuins and PARPs, enzymes involved in DNA repair and maintenance of genomic stability. This contributes to reduced cellular damage and improved overall cellular health.
  5. Improved Metabolic Function: NAD+ plays a role in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Higher NAD+ levels may support better blood sugar regulation and metabolic health, potentially benefiting those with or at risk of type 2 diabetes.
  6. Support for Addiction Recovery: Some preliminary evidence suggests that NAD+ therapy may be beneficial in addiction recovery, particularly for alcohol and opiate addiction. It’s thought that NAD+ may help to restore brain function and reduce cravings.

Who is Suitable for NAD+ Therapy?

NAD+ therapy, often administered intravenously (IV), may be suitable for a variety of individuals, particularly those looking to improve their overall health, energy levels, and cognitive function. It might be particularly beneficial for:

  • Individuals Experiencing Age-Related Decline: As NAD+ levels naturally decrease with age, those in middle age or older may benefit from NAD+ therapy to improve vitality, cognitive function, and cellular health.
  • Patients with Chronic Fatigue: NAD+ supplementation may help those with chronic fatigue syndrome or other conditions characterized by low energy levels.
  • Individuals Seeking Cognitive Enhancement: Those experiencing cognitive decline or looking to improve focus, memory, and overall brain function may find NAD+ therapy beneficial.
  • People in Addiction Recovery: NAD+ IV therapy is sometimes used as part of a comprehensive addiction recovery programme to help reduce cravings and restore brain function.
  • Athletes and Active Individuals: Athletes or those with high physical activity levels may use NAD+ to enhance recovery, improve endurance, and maintain energy levels.

Contraindications to IV NAD+ Therapy

While iv NAD+ therapy has potential benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. Some contraindications and considerations include:

  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: There is insufficient research on the safety of NAD+ therapy in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Therefore, it is generally not recommended.
  • Allergic Reactions: Individuals with known allergies to components in NAD+ formulations should avoid this therapy.
  • Acute Illness or Infection: Those experiencing an acute illness or infection should wait until they are fully recovered before undergoing NAD+ therapy.
  • Certain Chronic Conditions: Patients with certain chronic conditions, particularly those affecting the heart, kidneys, or liver, should consult a healthcare provider to assess the risks before starting NAD+ therapy.
  • Medication Interactions: NAD+ may interact with certain medications, so it’s crucial for individuals on medication to discuss potential interactions with their healthcare provider before starting NAD+ therapy.

Risks of NAD+ Therapy

As with any medical treatment, NAD+ therapy is not without risks. These may include:

  • Side Effects: Common side effects of IV NAD+ therapy include nausea, headaches, and flushing. These are often mild and temporary but can be uncomfortable.
  • Injection Site Reactions: As with any IV treatment, there is a risk of localised reactions at the injection site, such as pain, swelling, or redness.
  • Potential for Overdose: While NAD+ is generally considered safe, administering it inappropriately or in excessive amounts could lead to adverse effects, including overstimulation of the metabolic processes it regulates.
  • Unknown Long-Term Effects: The long-term effects of regular NAD+ supplementation are not yet fully understood. As NAD+ therapy is relatively new, more research is needed to assess its long-term safety.

How Often Should You Get NAD+?

The frequency of NAD+ therapy depends on the individual’s needs, health status, and the goals of treatment. Common protocols include:

  • For General Health and Wellbeing: A typical regimen might involve 1 to 2 sessions per month, depending on the desired outcomes. Some individuals may opt for weekly sessions initially and then reduce frequency as their NAD+ levels stabilise.
  • For Chronic Fatigue or Recovery: Individuals recovering from chronic fatigue, illness, or substance abuse may require more frequent treatments—often several times per week for a few weeks, followed by maintenance doses every few weeks or months.
  • For Anti-Aging Benefits: Those using NAD+ for anti-aging may start with an intensive course of treatment (e.g., daily for 5–10 days) followed by maintenance sessions monthly or bi-monthly.


NAD+ is a critical coenzyme involved in many cellular processes, including energy production, DNA repair, and cellular communication. Its levels naturally decline with age, contributing to various age-related diseases and conditions. NAD+ therapy, particularly through intravenous administration, offers potential benefits in enhancing energy levels, supporting cognitive function, and promoting overall cellular health.

However, NAD+ therapy is not without risks and contraindications. It may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain chronic conditions, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and those on specific medications. Side effects, while generally mild, can occur, and the long-term effects of NAD+ supplementation are not fully understood.

The frequency of NAD+ therapy depends on individual health goals, ranging from weekly sessions to monthly maintenance treatments. It is crucial to consult with our team at CLNQ to determine the appropriate regimen and assess the risks and benefits specific to one’s health needs.

For those who are suitable candidates, NAD+ therapy offers a promising avenue for improving health, energy, and longevity, particularly as part of a comprehensive approach to wellness and aging.

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