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What is Pillow Face?

Published by CLNQ


“What is pillow face?” You might have seen this overfilled look on social media or even among celebrities where the cheeks appear overly puffy, and facial contours look blurred. Pillow face is a real phenomenon, and it often results from the overuse or incorrect application of dermal fillers.

While fillers can be a fantastic tool for facial rejuvenation, giving volume where it’s lost and enhancing natural beauty, the key is knowing when to stop. Over-filling can distort facial proportions, creating an artificial look that detracts from, rather than enhances, a person’s features.

pillow face

What is Pillow Face?

Pillow face is a term used to describe a swollen or excessively plumped appearance of the face, often caused by the misuse or overuse of dermal fillers. It typically occurs when too much filler is injected, particularly into the cheeks, midface, or under-eye area, leading to an unnatural fullness that resembles a bloated cushion. Patients with pillow face often look like they’ve been inflated, with cheeks that protrude too far and a loss of definition in the jawline and chin.

Why Do Fillers Cause Swelling in the Face?

Understanding How Dermal Fillers Work

Most dermal fillers used today, such as Juvederm, Maili or Restylane, are made from hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is a substance naturally found in the body, particularly in the skin, where it helps retain moisture and maintain structure. Fillers work by adding volume to areas where it’s lost, such as the cheeks or under the eyes. However, because HA is highly hydrophilic (meaning it attracts water), it can sometimes lead to an excessive accumulation of fluid, causing the face to look puffy or swollen. Cheek fillers are used to provide volume to the area but can result in puffiness.

Filler Misplacement or Excess

Another contributing factor is incorrect placement. When filler is injected into areas where it doesn’t belong, it can create a lumpy, uneven look. This is especially problematic in the cheeks or under the eyes, where small errors in placement can cause a significant change in appearance. An experienced injector will know exactly how much product to use and where to place it for the best results.

Long-Term Effects of Facial Fillers

Fillers are not permanent, but that doesn’t mean they have no long-term impact. When fillers are used repeatedly or in large amounts, they can stretch the skin, alter the way facial tissues age, and sometimes create a dependency on further treatments to maintain the same look.

Impact on Facial Anatomy Over Time

Over time, repeated filler use can cause the facial tissues to become more lax, leading to a need for more product to achieve the same effect. This can create a vicious cycle where the patient ends up with more filler than they initially intended. Skin thinning is another concern, particularly in areas like the under-eye region.

Do Fillers in the Face Interfere with the Lymphatics?

The lymphatic system is crucial for maintaining fluid balance in the face and body. Any disruption to this system can cause persistent swelling, particularly in areas prone to fluid retention like the cheeks and under-eye region.

Lymphatic System in the Face

Fillers, especially when overused or placed incorrectly, can obstruct lymphatic vessels, preventing normal fluid drainage. This can result in prolonged puffiness and a “heavy” feeling in the face.

Research Findings

Some studies have suggested that fillers, especially those injected deep into facial tissues, may compress or block lymphatic channels. While the exact relationship between fillers and the lymphatic system is still under investigation, there’s evidence that this could be a contributing factor to long-term swelling in some patients.

How to Avoid Pillow Face

Choosing the Right Injector

It cannot be emphasised enough that choosing an experienced injector is the most critical factor in avoiding pillow face. An experienced plastic surgeon or aesthetic doctor will understand the intricacies of facial anatomy and know how to tailor treatments to your unique features. They will also be able to provide advice about dissolving the fillers you may already have present.

Minimalist Approach

One of the best ways to avoid pillow face is by taking a minimalist approach to fillers. Small amounts spread over several sessions tend to produce the most natural results. Rather than chasing perfection with more and more filler, focusing on subtle enhancements will ensure a fresher, more youthful appearance.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Regular check-ups with your injector are essential to monitor how the fillers are integrating into your face. If there are any signs of swelling or lumpiness, early intervention can prevent long-term issues.


Pillow face is a preventable condition that usually results from the overuse or incorrect placement of dermal fillers. By understanding why it happens and choosing a qualified, experienced injector, you can avoid the puffy, overfilled look and instead enjoy the rejuvenating benefits of fillers. If you suspect you have pillow face, it’s never too late to seek advice and possibly reverse the effects.

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